3 Spring Lawn Care Tips to Get Your Lawn Thriving All Year Long

Spring Has Sprung It’s Time to Take Care of Your Lawn

Spring has sprung, and that means it’s time for some severe lawn care maintenance. Homeowners may have a lot of work ahead of them, but this is the optimal time to get your lawn into shape. If you’re unprepared when the warmer weather hits, you’ll be waging a war against weeds and may deal with some bare, patchy spots in your lawn. Both warm and cool season grasses go dormant in the winter, so your lawn will be fairly sensitive and tender in spring. It’s best to treat your lawn with some TLC — and we’ll show you how.

Follow these 3 spring lawn care tips to get your lawn thriving all year long.

Kill Lawn Weeds

Spring weed control calls for pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides. That is if you don’t overseed. Overseeding and applying pre-emergent herbicide conflict with one another, since herbicides will halt the germination of new grass seeds. If you decide against overspeeding, put pre-emergent herbicides on the offensive, preventing future weeds that could crop up.


Like overseeding, don’t fertilize your lawn if you’ve applied herbicides. If you haven’t, then slow-release, nitrogen-rich fertilizers are your lawn’s best friend. A top-quality fertilizer will nourish your lawn and help shield it against drought and heat. Choose your fertilizer carefully, looking into the product’s NPK value or the nitrogen to phosphorus and potassium ratio.

Eliminate Grubs

You’ve done all the heavy lifting, so what’s left? You should check for grubs. These pesky pests — pale, white, ravenous beetle larvae — feast on grassroots during spring. You can combat grubs in a variety of ways.

If you want to make sure that you find the right lawn maintenance company in Los Angeles, CA, choose the best from the beginning. A lawn care service provider that you can count on for quality services is Alberto's Gardening. If you need to know more about what else I do, call me at (424) 645-9804 to speak directly to me right away!

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